Available courses

Oscillations; waves; electromagnetic; fluid mechanics; heat; the first law of thermodynamics; operation and measurement of basic electrical circuits.

Physics for engineers II covers the basics of electromagnetic including electrostaticis (such as Coulomnb's law and Gauss' law), electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetic force and brief introduction to Maxwell's equations. 

Basics of Newton mechanics that included: 1- Mathematical introduction 2- Newton first and second laws of motion - Speed, velocity, force, momentum - Gravitation, friction, circular motion, projectile 3- Third law: - Conservation of momentum - Energy and momentum - Conservation of energy.

In this course, we will discuss about various mathematics techniques generally used in engineering problems and applications, for example, Fourier Series, Fourier integral & transform, Laplace transform, and Z-transform. We will also demonstrate example of applying such techniques in practical engineering applications. In addition, some basic numerical methods will be introduced such as numerical integration, interpolation, and root-finding.

General hints and guidelines for formal technical writing.

The course focuses on introducing students to research topics and methodology, including critical thinking, scientific responsibilities, academic ethics, scientific writing, and publication. They will be trained on oral and written technical presentations on individual research, journal articles, or design projects.

The course focuses on the basic numerical modeling techniques commonly used in modeling most of the micro/nano optical systems. The course will cover the following topics: - Introduction to guidance and the concept of modes. - Rectangular and circular waveguides. - Finite-difference mode solving - Semi-analytical methods:  Scattering matrix - Finite-difference beam propagation. - Monte Carlo Simulations

The course focuses on explaining the basics and fundamentals of optics and its applications. The course will deal the scalar approximation of light and will not cover polarization effect. The main topics covered in this course are: * Light and colors * Light propagation (Fresnel and Fraunhofer). * Fourier optics Diffraction * Interference.

Introduction to some basics concepts of light, light propagation and light matter interaction. The course is mostly based on Feynmann lecture on physics, volume I. We focused on the materials related to optics and electromagnetics.

This course focuses on basic principles behind the working of digital communication systems. Topics include signal representations, signal transformations, filtering, up-conversion, down-conversion, baseband modulation, passband modulation, and bit error rate performances.

A short course that introduces the concept of electromagnetic radiation and aperture antenna design. The course covers the following topics:

1- Oscillating charges and electric field 

2- Electromagnetic radiation

3- Interference


5-Aperture antenna radiation

6-Waveguide design

Tutorial for LTspice software for circuits simulation

Introduction to methods and approaches used in scientific programming. The course uses Python programming language to calculate and visualize scientific topics including: waves, wave propagation, light reflection, light refraction and light interference.